Thursday, August 18, 2011

Continue to write everyday at least for an hour

Everyone has a story to tell. The problem is that some people don’t always know how to tell that story. People are not sure if anyone would be interesting in what they have to say. If you write for yourself then you will probably find someone that is interested in what you have to say.

When one begins to write they have to think about whether they are doing it to make money or if they are doing it because they have something to pass along. Information from their life that can be of importance.

When one starts writing you have to decide if its going to be biographical or fiction. Biographies are easy, but you may not want to tell your story because its so personal, but if you do it as fiction you can create characters that can live your life.

The one thing to remember is if you read it back and it doesn’t make sense to you then it won’t make sense to anyone else. Get a friend that will be honest to read what you have written. It’s better if you know someone that understands punctuation. This will help to make sure that reading your story has the proper flow.

Having a great beginning makes the reader want to turn the page, but you must be able to maintain that technique throughout to keep your reader interested.

Practice does make perfect. You may have to write and rewrite until you get a style that you make your own. The first rule of writing is to write about what you know. If you try to write about something you know nothing about then there will be a reader that may have had that experience and will know its not real.

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