Friday, May 18, 2012

Remember Disco (1999) In memory of the Disco Queen Donna Summer

Come in here dear boy
have a cigar
listen to the beats
of a time gone by
Donna Summer was Disco Queen
hit after hit
freak out with  Good Times and those Sunset People
Stayin' Alive, Thank God It's Friday
Sylvester, Cheryl Lynn the Gong Show
It's Got to be Real
Labelle, those fine freaky sisters
introducing us to Lady Marmalade
Amy Stewart Knock on Wood
Looking for Hot Stuff with Bad Girls
who were Too Hot to Trot
orgasm on vinyl
seventeen minutes of
Love to Love you Baby
on Seville Nights, Boogie Nights
Get up and Boogie
Boogie oogie oogie
I'm your Boogie Man
Love and Kisses, Barbara Streisand
was the Main Event
Evelyn Chmapagne King or Queen
It's A Shame, but rumors start
Shake your Groove Thing, Shake your Booty
with the Disco Duck and Disco Lady.
When we are all alone do
The Hustle on the Soul Train get in line
More, more, more, Andrea's connection was
True, true, true
Don't Leave Me this Way, You Make Me Feel
Mighty Real, Do You Want The Real Thing?
Superman, Married Men, Paul Jabara created
the hits. We had the Disco Wedding
Honeymooned on Pleasure Island had a Disco Divorce
and was Trapped in a Stairway on film
without a Flashlight.
Disco Inferno, music made you sweat.
One hundred and twenty beats per minute.
Thump, thump, thump.
Leather Man, Macho Man, cruising at the YMCA
and In The Navy, one hit wonders.
Polyester, disco balls, strobes and rollerskating
Cher said, Take Me Home and was Hell On Wheels,
Do You Love What You Feel, Let's All Chant,
Ain't No Stopping Us Now.
Take Me To Funky Town on the way to The Zoo,
The Jungle or The Civic.
Everyone was jumping on the band wagon.
Love's Theme, Never Can Say Good-bye,
Rock Your Baby.
Platform and high heeled shoes
Bell bottoms and skirts fluttering in the breeze
from twirls and over head and between legs
great acrobatic moves
Disco was here to stay
So we thought, who knew?
Disco Fever, Gold Fever, Dance Fever,
Solid Gold, that was the thing,
Somebody's Watching You.
We visited Mac Arthur's Park, Disco Mountain,
Boogie Wonderland and saw the Manhattan Skyline.
Will I Ever Fall In Love in New York City, After Dark
on a Fairy Tale High, Lovin' Livin' Givin' Diana Ross
was the Boss, Grace Jones was a Goddess
scary pulling up to her Bumper
Discotheques, hallucinogens and Studio 54
the place that made stars of the beautiful
people or we imagined being.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet, give me five
Chase, Ride the White Pony, Give me A Break,
What can I do for you, What can you do for Me?
Runaway, He's The Greatest Danceer
The Ritchie Family got their big break
flashing skin and putting
Their Feet to the Beat
You ought to be dancing
Moroder said with the creation
of Casablanca home of Disco
Do you remember Disco?
Disco Nights, I Feel Love, Open Sesame
On The Radio, Jet et aime, Stars,
Everybody is one, In Hollywood Everybody
Is A Star, San Franscisco, You Got Me
Disco went Classical with the
Fifth of Bethoven and many
followed suit, we became hooked on
Many feared it, few embraced it
so new talent was brought in,
Where are they now?
Call Me, Ring My Bell, Disco Heat
You Give Me Fever, Too much to drink
or Love Hangover, make that a double
You've got the Cutest little Baby Face
Disco Swing, and Jazz
You Should Be Dancing
I Just Want To Be
I Just Wanna Dance with you
Dance, Freak and Boogie
Star Wars, Touch Me Baby
Love is the Ultimate
Sex and Drugs
Drugs and Sex
The seventies were free sexually
whatever your pleasure
you could fulfill your desire
The London Palladium
Dance, dance, dance
Yousa, yousa, yousa
The Beat Goes On
There, But For The Grace of God, Go I
We Are Family
Can't Stop The Music
Somebody did stop Disco
Enough is Enough
I Will Survive
The Last Dance
the last chance
no matter what
My Feet Keep Dancin'

                               -Dlonzo (1999) (Inspired by the poem Head of Disco) also written by Dlonzo

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Although I had set out to make this a blog about writing, I had several other blogs to work with and this one didn't develop. I'm going to try again and perhaps center on some of my poetry, short stories and favorite blog entries from my other blogs. Then I can have a collection to turn into an e book.
I'll see how it develops.

At a point in my life
stifled, quiet, but not down
smile, it's a new day
life goes on,
there's a rhythm to life,
feel it, believe it,
have faith
let the cords connect
for the feet shall dance
a song one can sing
a groove in an instant
just out of nowhere.

Thanks for stopping by and do some back again.