Friday, July 2, 2010

The Beginning

A story can begin anywhere the author sees fit. The key is to get the reader to want to take the journey and turn the page to see where it leads. This will be a work in progress. Since I have a about me, a blog on art and cinema, I decided I should do one on writing.

A story can start at the beginning, but the author may realize there wasn't enough information about a particular character or a new character is introduced and so a back story or flashback may be created.

It was cloudy outside the apartment. There was a slight breeze, but there was silence. The sound of birds were absent. Normally nature has something to say, but not today. Maybe just not at this moment. Everyone takes a moment to just say nothing.

The story should start with some sort of setting to give the reader an idea where the story is taking place at that moment. If you give the reader something to relate to, then they are certainly more likely to turn the page.

Science fiction or fantasy can be easier to write because you can let your imagination run wild. Still, no matter what you write, you want to enjoy reading it even if you're only doing it for yourself.

Rule number one when writing is to write about what you know. If you don't believe it then neither will your readers. Change the names to protect the innocent, but draw on your own experiences.

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