Friday, May 30, 2014

My tribute to Maya Angelou

(Acrylic on canvas, manipulated into black and white)

Phenomenal She Was

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Gather together in her name
Her innocence taken
Without her consent
Still she managed to rise

Silent by her own accord,
She knew why the caged bird sang
Her voice had to be heard
The heart of a woman

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Through her finger tips,
Words spewed
Like non poisonous venom
Through joy and pain,
She made those who liked to read
On the big screen
Books and television
Her voice commanded attention

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Dancer, director, poet, actress,
 Teacher, activist, artist
Quietly she passed.

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she passed.

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