Thursday, November 26, 2020

Virtual Turkey Day

 Virtual Turkey Day

(Kenny Williams and Roderick Sanford perform on the plaza)

For some people, with Co-Vid in the background, you aren't really focused on Thanksgiving or any other holiday, but for those that are be safe. Think about how you want to schedule the day. In most families it all starts the night before. I remember when I was younger helping out in the kitchen, chopping okra with the mandolin, careful not to cut my fingers. Peeling potatoes or eggs for the potato salad. When I got older I began preparing certain dishes. Everyone in the family had their signature dish. Eventually I mastered the potato salad that my sister said was something everyone could eat. Just the right amount of everything. Whenever I would go to NOLA she wouldn't let me leave without making some potato salad.

(Judy Arnold performing on the plaza)

It seems despite the CDC asking people to stay home, people want to be with their families and will risk their health to get there. Politicians often say that they don't want to say something to cause a panic, but there are a lot of people who are afraid. The future has an uncertainty. It's always been that way, but this virus makes it all the more realistic.

I purchased two cornish hens. I am not planning to have anyone over, but we'll see what happens. I bought what I needed to make gumbo. I couldn't find the gumbo base so I had to get the mix. I am hoping the shrimp will go on sale Wednesday and I will get a pound or two of fresh shrimp, but if not I have some frozen shrimp already peeled. I use the heads on the fresh shrimp to make my roux for the gumbo. Thanksgiving in 2007 was when I first made gumbo. My mother would always make the gumbo, but I never really made it while she was alive. I had to think back and my sister and nephew came to visit and we got into the kitchen and peeled shrimp and put our heads together to make it the way mother used to make it.

I was looking at a photograph and it seems the last time I was in NOLA was in 2015. I thought it had been longer. Time has a way of getting away from you.

This week I have to start doing a job search in order for me to continue to collect benefits. It seems strange, but I will do whatever is necessary. I just hope things come together and the government helps people out to start off the new year. There may be companies hiring, but how long will that last? Jobs can only hire so many people. I'll see what happens. I am trying to come up with a plan to see if there is something I can do online.

I watched a movie that I had not seen in a very long time. It was a studio copy of the film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It starred Michael Rooker who most people may remember from The Walking Dead and The Bone Collector. I believe I originally saw the film at the Prytania, but I can't be sure. I don't even know how I ended up with the studio copy. I don't recall meeting any of the producers or actors. 

(Note: A studio copy is what they send out to be screened when a film or movie is first released. During award season they send them out to SAG members to vote.) At the time the film had a profound effect on me. Human behavior has always been something of interest. The mind of a person that wants to harm other people or animals. Sometimes it stems from childhood traumas, but sometimes it is something in the brain that still amazes doctors.

I need to take my vehicle in for an inspection so I can get my new tag for next year. I took the earliest appointment available. I hope everything goes smoothly.

11-22-20 I went to my first gathering today at ZACH. It was an outdoor concert called Motown Grooves. The day before I decided to drive over just to see what things looked like. Despite Covid, there is still a lot of construction going on and streets were blocked off so I am glad I went so I knew how to plan my driving time. Normally it only takes me about 15 minutes to get to ZACH. I wanted to see what parking would be like and the set up in the area. 

ZACH has done a few of these concerts and they seem to be doing well. This one was brought back because of its popularity. I was skeptical about going at first, but as it got closer I knew ZACH would take every precaution in keeping people safe. Before Covid ZACH went above and beyond to accommodate and protect patrons and staff. Making sure those with disabilities could enjoy performances. Having a variety of price points to fit certain budgets, and making people feel welcomed.

(Roderick Sanford, Judy Arnold and Kenny Williams perform on the front steps of  ZACH's Topfer theatre for the Motown Grooves outdoor concert)

A cold front was supposed to come through and there was the mention of rain. So I packed my backpack and I was prepared for whatever came. I had my large bandana which created several layers, but when I arrived the volunteers said I had to wear a mask. I followed the protocol since there weren't a lot of people around me and I didn't have to wear the mask while seated. The show started a little past 2:30 PM my time, but it wasn't too warm with the sun out and I got a chance to mingle with some people I had not seen since before the layoffs started. Most of the box office staff was able to work from home and I would go in to man the phones.

Everyone seems to be getting along and their spirits were high. There are people I miss seeing and the conversations we used to have, but we'll catch up when we can.

Judy Arnold, with her powerhouse of a voice performed along with the great voices of Roderick Sanford and Kenny Williams. I remember them all being in the show The Gospel at Colonous. I had seen them around before that, but I didn't really get to know them until they performed in Gospel which had been done at ZACH many years prior.

Before the performance began they sound system was playing some music and one of the songs was the O'Jays, Money, money, money and all I could think of was Roderick singing the song in David Steakley's version of A Christmas Carol. This had become a tradition at ZACH and I would see this show every year Christmas night. I wonder if ZACH could sell the show and stream it?

The dark clouds had started to move in and Kenny and Judy sang a gospel song and it all just seemed to pass right over ZACH. Miracles do happen.

Roderick acted as the Emcee of the show and they all got their solo moments to showcase their great voices. The trio has known each other for many years. They all sang in church and have worked together on many occaisions at ZACH.

It was a very pleasant afternoon. It was definitely something that I didn't know I needed. After the show I caught up with another employee who I hadn't seen since March. We had a good conversation and then I headed home. I could see it had been raining, but it never made its way to ZACH.

(Notice the dark clouds as patrons enjoy the Motown Grooves concert at ZACH theatre on the plaza)


Kicking and Screaming

(c) Dlonzo 2020

There is a poison

seeping through 

the veins of society.

If you fill the air

with lies,

no one will believe 

the truth.

Although no one likes 

to lose,

there comes a time

when you have to accept


A demi god

can take over the weak

they want to drink 

the kool-aid.

They will take the leap,

off of that bridge.

They only know,

how to follow.

They can't think,

not for themselves.

When once a winner,

becomes a loser,

one has to be dragged,

kicking and screaming.

It's fake, it's rigged,

it's not over, the fight continues.

I sent out texts to just about everyone in my phone. There are some people that don't texts and some that I plan on calling. I prefer the face to face or hearing the voice, but for some texting is the easier way. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I had a few text conversations and that can really pass the time away. The holidays make you reflect on what you have, what you miss and the great times. There are lots of great memories of all of the holidays. I am truly thankful for all that I have. It's not something I take for granted.

(Next up: Back Inside my bubble)

Thanks for stopping by; keep and open mind and do stop by again.

Monday, November 9, 2020

It's been quite some time.

I had started this blog for my poetry and writing. I was going to start a story here and see if anyone picked up on it.

Writing is my form of therapy. I let my characters go through experiences that are similar to mine and then I can come up with the appropriate outcome or cause conflict.

I was trying to think of a poem to write and post. I have many ideas I'm just not sure what the outcome would be if I did it off the cuff and whether it would be appropriate. Sometimes my poetry can contain language. It just depends on the mood and what I am writing about.Let's get ready to ramble

Well, the mail in ballots are still being counted, but it looks as if we may have a new president. It's never a good time when this happens, but this year in particular. You have a president that has never believed in a Democracy. Of course certain words to make you believe this comes out of his mouth, but people lie. Most people have told some sort of lie to get what they want. Politics, and the law are the worst, but we have to deal with it.

When Trump first took office I was dissappointed. I did think there might be some things the US could benefit from with him in office since he was a businessman. It turns out he wasn't really that good at that, but he played the system. I had to ask myself, how do I benefit from this person in office? Those who didn't vote for Biden have to ask themselves the same question.

It was such a good thing to see people in line to casts their vote no matter who they were selecting. We all had something in common at that moment. We needed to see a change. I had spoken to two women who were behind me in line, but who we were voting for never came up.
Growing up, politics, religion, and money were subjects I was told to stay clear of. In school we would discuss politics, relgion and money, but never in regards to us as individuals. These were topics of discussion in different classes.

Most of us learned about politics in school when we ran for some sort of office. People make promises even though they know they can't keep them all. In one of my classes we had to survey a neighborhood to see who they were going to vote for. It was the late 70's and New Orleans had a black man running for mayor. My high school was located in the uptown area of the city near St. Charles Avenue. I remember knocking on doors asking whomever answered the door who they would be voting for in that election.
I had gotten pretty good at picking winners so when I was old enough to vote I never registered. I'm not exactly sure why, but I didn't. I had registered for the selective service, but I was never asked about voting. Perhaps because I wasn't driving...
Still, I would be able to pick who the winner would be, but one year, David Duke was running for the governor of Lousiana and I saw how he played dirty politics and managed to get black people to vote for him. That was a very scary thought. Luckily he lost, but that was my wake up call and I had been voting in ever election whether big or small ever since.

When I arrived in Austin, I started doing research and eventually found myself working the voting polls and after a few years I was counting mail in ballots. I've been more hands on with politics here in Austin than I ever was in New Orleans.

As I approach 60 years of age, I am starting to feel uncomfortable I guess. I don't want to say depressed, but I am not completely happy because I have gained weight. I have yet to get on the scale, but I can see the mid section is larger than it has ever been. I want to start with my diet and then get back into a steady routine of exercise. I do realize not having anywhere to go is one factor. I have to push myself to start exercising, but if I don't do it first thing in the morning I just let it go. I can still motivate myself to stay busy, but I need to do more.

I had been reading The Room Where it Happened by John Bolton. It's an okay read, I just wanted to see what types of games foreign leaders were playing with Trump and Putin and Kim Jong Un were certainly pulling some strings, but Trump had an agenda as well. It seems most Republicans were totally against many things that Obama had implemented. They felt a lot of trade deals were not in the best interest of the US.
The people working for Trump were terrified of what he might say in a tweet, but there was no way to reel him in. He would agree to something and then change his mind several times. Even when he would tweet sometimes he would say he didn't. If you are interested in politics and how Trump ran the whitehouse it might be of interest. It is kind of hard to follow as it isn't totally in chronological order. It goes back and forth to events that had happened and there are jabs at many former presidents. I have to note that Obama is under more attacks than any other president.
Trump didn't like him before he became president and once he took office he has been on a mission to get rid of any signs of Obama. You can't rewrite history just because you don't like something. It can only be buried under the rug for so long.

Well Jo Biden is now going to be President number 46, but we still have to wait and see what type of chaos number 45 does within the time frame that he has left to be in office. Some people aren't good at being defeated. He has been trashing the system for over a year and yet he still wants to be president? Isn't there something wrong with that picture?

Sunday evenings I have a routine which includes watching 60 minutes while I have my dinner. I don't like all of the reporters that conduct the interviews, but the topics are of interest.  I also rely on them to give me accurate information to the best of their ability. So, I watch the show and just deal with the editing around questions that seem forced or a comment that shouldn't be made by the reporter. It seems there is a vaccine that is ready and has been set aside to be shipped out. So, that must mean it is waiting to be approved. Not sure who the vaccine was tested on, but they are planning to give it to the people on the front lines. The issue is that not everyone will want to get the vaccine. I know as I get older, my body and my immune system will probably change and I will have to do the best I can to take care of myself.

11-9-20 - This morning I decided to step on the scale for the first time in years. I knew I had gained weight it's visible, but I was not sure how much. It turns out I am at 160 lbs. I have never been this weight before. Now I have to see what I can do to bring it down. I can't let it get inside of my head. I know that there is a lot contributing to this weight gain so I just have to take things one day at a time.


Separated by State
(c) 2020

Welcome to the separated states of America.
Most of us are questioning what is going on;
How long?
What if?

The country is being run like a prison.
The Warden has taken the people off of lockdown.
There is rioting on the cell blocks;
Shanking is a free for all.
There is no air and the inmates
can't breathe.

It's up to the people to protect themselves.
Educate each other.
The gates are open, but
the window of opportunity
is closing.
Counting down the days to make a change.

Put on your mask to save you from the gas,
Put on your mask to save your life,
Put on your mask so they do not see you.

(Next up: More on Virtual Holidays and inside my bubble)

Thanks for stopping by; keep and open mind and do stop by again.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Poartry by Dlonzo

The only thing that is privileged and confidential is information intended only for the use of this communication ; strictly forbidden as is the best way to get a chance to talk about it.

Emotional support is the key to the first step in finding sanity.
Run the numbers in the future. Please note that any disclosure under applicable law.
One more question, what does it mean?

This poem is put together using the following words that popped up. There are a few key words that I selected, but the first stanza is completely random.

Friday, May 30, 2014

My tribute to Maya Angelou

(Acrylic on canvas, manipulated into black and white)

Phenomenal She Was

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Gather together in her name
Her innocence taken
Without her consent
Still she managed to rise

Silent by her own accord,
She knew why the caged bird sang
Her voice had to be heard
The heart of a woman

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Through her finger tips,
Words spewed
Like non poisonous venom
Through joy and pain,
She made those who liked to read
On the big screen
Books and television
Her voice commanded attention

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she was

Dancer, director, poet, actress,
 Teacher, activist, artist
Quietly she passed.

She was phenomenal
Phenomenal she passed.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Back To Writing

In the late nineties, the New Orleans Public Library used to have a contest to write children's stories. It was more of a writing exercise for me as they gave you several items that had to be used in the story. I ran across my stories and decided to create new stories from the original title, Mr. Bane's Kids. Mr. Bane is a writer of Children's stories. His stories are influenced by his own kids, Kelly and Duane Bane and their friends, Andrew, Peter, Jazzmine, Karl, April and others. I thought I would perhaps use this blog to share some or part of the short stories to get some feed back. If I create an audience then I know that I'm on to something.

Some time this year I started creating what I thought the kids might look like. Sort of creating a brand if you will. Things got a bit out of control as I kept creating kids and then they became works of art. I am now condensing the number of kids, but since I have created my own digital stamps I now have a system so I can create as many kids as I want and paste them into the stories. I still have the originals that I can look at from time to time for inspiration. I purchased a magnetic dry erase board and I put the kids on magnets and now I can create the art work around them. I then photograph them and I can create different types of art for the stories and to sell separately.

Mr. Bane's Kids
by Dlonzo

Mr. Bane sat at the desk in his office, looking out of the window at the drizzling rain. He tried to think of something to write on the paper before him, but nothing seemed to surface.

"Daddy, daddy, I'm home," Kelly shouted.

Mr. Bane looked down from the balcony over looking the foyer.

"What is that ugly thing?"

Kelly looked up and smiled.

"It's not ugly. Is it? This is my art project. It's a fan."

Kelly ran up the stairs, Mr. Bane told her to be careful not to trip over the fan.

"What is it?" he asked again with a smile.
"I told you it's a fan. It is made out of verver root."
"I think you mean vetiver root."
"That's it," Kelly agreed with her father.

Mr. Bane thought to himself. Some people have too much time on their hands. Mr. Bane told her to hand it in her room. He sat back down behind his desk and began writing.

The next morning the rain continued. Kelly pressed her face against the window.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Bane asked.
"I guess. I hope the rain stops soon," she replied.
"We have plenty of time."

Mr. Bane told Kelly to make a list of everything they were going to do. She went up to her room.

When the doorbell rang, Duane ran from his room and leaped down the stairs.

"Slow down boy," Mr. Bane shouted.
"It's Andrew and Peter," Duane replied.
"I know who it is, just slow down."

Peter and Andrew went to Duane's room to play until it was time to leave.

"How come your dad is always home?" Peter asked.
"He works here. He is a writer," Duane answered.
"What kind of writer?" Andrew asked.
"He writes stories about children."

Mr. Bane knocked on Duane's bedroom door to see if they were hungry.

"No sir," they replied.

Kelly was almost finished her list and Mr. Bane began getting dressed.

Everyone sat in the living room waiting when the doorbell rang again.

(To be continued...)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Coming Soon

I will post two of my short stories that I had written many years ago for a contest for the New Orleans public library. They had a unique contest in which they gave you items that had to be included in your story. It's a great way to challenge yourself as a writer. Much like the group that writes stories using 50 words or less.

Thanks for stopping by and do come back again.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Remember Disco (1999) In memory of the Disco Queen Donna Summer

Come in here dear boy
have a cigar
listen to the beats
of a time gone by
Donna Summer was Disco Queen
hit after hit
freak out with  Good Times and those Sunset People
Stayin' Alive, Thank God It's Friday
Sylvester, Cheryl Lynn the Gong Show
It's Got to be Real
Labelle, those fine freaky sisters
introducing us to Lady Marmalade
Amy Stewart Knock on Wood
Looking for Hot Stuff with Bad Girls
who were Too Hot to Trot
orgasm on vinyl
seventeen minutes of
Love to Love you Baby
on Seville Nights, Boogie Nights
Get up and Boogie
Boogie oogie oogie
I'm your Boogie Man
Love and Kisses, Barbara Streisand
was the Main Event
Evelyn Chmapagne King or Queen
It's A Shame, but rumors start
Shake your Groove Thing, Shake your Booty
with the Disco Duck and Disco Lady.
When we are all alone do
The Hustle on the Soul Train get in line
More, more, more, Andrea's connection was
True, true, true
Don't Leave Me this Way, You Make Me Feel
Mighty Real, Do You Want The Real Thing?
Superman, Married Men, Paul Jabara created
the hits. We had the Disco Wedding
Honeymooned on Pleasure Island had a Disco Divorce
and was Trapped in a Stairway on film
without a Flashlight.
Disco Inferno, music made you sweat.
One hundred and twenty beats per minute.
Thump, thump, thump.
Leather Man, Macho Man, cruising at the YMCA
and In The Navy, one hit wonders.
Polyester, disco balls, strobes and rollerskating
Cher said, Take Me Home and was Hell On Wheels,
Do You Love What You Feel, Let's All Chant,
Ain't No Stopping Us Now.
Take Me To Funky Town on the way to The Zoo,
The Jungle or The Civic.
Everyone was jumping on the band wagon.
Love's Theme, Never Can Say Good-bye,
Rock Your Baby.
Platform and high heeled shoes
Bell bottoms and skirts fluttering in the breeze
from twirls and over head and between legs
great acrobatic moves
Disco was here to stay
So we thought, who knew?
Disco Fever, Gold Fever, Dance Fever,
Solid Gold, that was the thing,
Somebody's Watching You.
We visited Mac Arthur's Park, Disco Mountain,
Boogie Wonderland and saw the Manhattan Skyline.
Will I Ever Fall In Love in New York City, After Dark
on a Fairy Tale High, Lovin' Livin' Givin' Diana Ross
was the Boss, Grace Jones was a Goddess
scary pulling up to her Bumper
Discotheques, hallucinogens and Studio 54
the place that made stars of the beautiful
people or we imagined being.
Clap your hands, stomp your feet, give me five
Chase, Ride the White Pony, Give me A Break,
What can I do for you, What can you do for Me?
Runaway, He's The Greatest Danceer
The Ritchie Family got their big break
flashing skin and putting
Their Feet to the Beat
You ought to be dancing
Moroder said with the creation
of Casablanca home of Disco
Do you remember Disco?
Disco Nights, I Feel Love, Open Sesame
On The Radio, Jet et aime, Stars,
Everybody is one, In Hollywood Everybody
Is A Star, San Franscisco, You Got Me
Disco went Classical with the
Fifth of Bethoven and many
followed suit, we became hooked on
Many feared it, few embraced it
so new talent was brought in,
Where are they now?
Call Me, Ring My Bell, Disco Heat
You Give Me Fever, Too much to drink
or Love Hangover, make that a double
You've got the Cutest little Baby Face
Disco Swing, and Jazz
You Should Be Dancing
I Just Want To Be
I Just Wanna Dance with you
Dance, Freak and Boogie
Star Wars, Touch Me Baby
Love is the Ultimate
Sex and Drugs
Drugs and Sex
The seventies were free sexually
whatever your pleasure
you could fulfill your desire
The London Palladium
Dance, dance, dance
Yousa, yousa, yousa
The Beat Goes On
There, But For The Grace of God, Go I
We Are Family
Can't Stop The Music
Somebody did stop Disco
Enough is Enough
I Will Survive
The Last Dance
the last chance
no matter what
My Feet Keep Dancin'

                               -Dlonzo (1999) (Inspired by the poem Head of Disco) also written by Dlonzo